Check Out Checklist

The Black Diamond Lodge cleaning policy is to leave everything as you found it! If you or your guests need something a little more specific, here’s a quick checklist to run through before you leave. Please note that avoiding anything on this list could result in an additional cleaning fee or withheld deposit. Thank you again for visiting with us! We love sharing our space, our town and our mountains with you. We hope you come again soon! 


  • Dishes are all clean done and put away, dishwasher is clean and unloaded 

  • Trash has been taken out to the dumpster including any alcohol  bottles or boxes - please break down any boxes before they go into our dumpster! 

  • Chairs have been put away 

  • Surfaces are wiped down - tables and kitchen area 

  • Anything that came in with guests, is leaving with the guests (this includes food, decorations, drinks, trash, etc)
    *** No need to move or break down any tables, or clean the floor - our cleaning team will take care of that! 


  • Anything that came in with guests, is leaving with the guests (this includes food, decorations, drinks, trash, etc) 

  • If any glassware has made it out of the upstairs restaurant, breakfast room or downstairs Columbine room and into the lobby, a guest room, or somewhere else in the building, please return it to the room it came from. 


  • Dishes are all clean done and put away

  • Trash has been taken out to the dumpster including any alcohol  bottles or boxes - please break down any boxes before they go into our dumpster! 

  • Chairs have been pushed in

  • Surfaces are wiped down - table and kitchen area 

  • Anything that came in with guests, is leaving with the guests (this includes food, decorations, drinks, trash, etc)
    *** No need to clean the floor - our cleaning team will take care of that! 


  • Has anything been broken during your stay? Did you notice anything that was broken? Please let us know so we can make sure to fix it in time for our next guests! 

  • Walk through the outside of the property including the front and back patios to check for dog poop or trash that may have been left by guests

  • Do one final walkthrough the building to make sure nothing has been left. If there is anything you don’t want to take with you, please bring it to the front desk. We’re happy to take leftover decorations, etc to the thrift store for you, but don’t want our cleaning team to have to pick it all up from around the lodge. 

  • If any glassware has made it out of the upstairs restaurant, breakfast room or downstairs Columbine room and into the lobby, a guest room, or somewhere else in the building, please return it to the room it came from.


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